Thursday, July 28, 2011

Peewee-pint Is On The Move...

This week, Peewee-pint has discovered the freedom of mobility. He has become more adventurous and is going beyond the boundaries of the room where he was set on the ground. A few days ago, I had to go upstairs and left Peewee-pint playing with toys in the family room. As I was making my way down the stairs again, I realized he had come looking for me-nearly half the length of the house, then when he couldn't find me, he turned around again and started heading back towards the family room.

He makes a b-line for the open door when Daddy comes's a straight shot from the family room-across the hard wood floor. He's getting pretty fast, but not fast enough for none of us (especially his brothers) to notice his attempts to escape.

He has figured out he can scoot around to get to things he the toys his big brothers have...this week, the boys were playing with duplo legos. Peewee-pint is a master at lego demolition. He chased both boys around the kitchen island and then took a shortcut under the kitchen table to get at the lego masterpiece Half-pint and Quarter-pint had built.

Peewee-pint also discovered the he can make bigger and better messes by pulling things off of shelves. A new favorite activity is pulling the books and binders off the bookshelves in the office, and cereal boxes out of the pantry. If he's really lucky, some of the cereal will spill on the floor and he has an instant snack!

When he wants me to pick him up, Peewee-pint scoots to wherever I am and head-buts my ankles, or gnaws on my foot until I lift him up...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Life as I know it is over...again...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Half-pint's Summer...

Half-pint is just about ready to head back to school. It's been a low key summer chalkfull of sports for Half-pint! He played spring soccer until the middle of June, then started baseball in July and August. He participated in a couple of different golf camps (I don't have any golf photos from this summer because I always just dropped him off and then they all headed out to the course). He also played in a week-long sports camp focusing on soccer and flag football.

To top it all off, Daddy took him to the go kart track last week for a little driving. He did great for his first time behind the wheel. There were a few other kids on the track at the same time. The instructors told the kids to be careful because if they crashed they were kicked off the track. Half-pint suited up and followed the instructions to the T! He followed Daddy's kart for a few laps then he was allowed to go faster if her wanted to...he did not want to. He took it slow for the entire drive. He told us later that he didn't want to crash. I'm sure this was just the beginning of many trips to the go kart track!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Peewee-pint's 9 Months Stats...

Peewee-pint had his 9 month well check this morning. He is by far the smallest from our house. Here's the stats.:

Height: 27 1/4 inches (20 %)
Weight: 19 lbs, 2 oz (30 %)
Head: 45 cm (50 %)

Peewee-pint is a peewee! He's adorable in every way! He is officially mobile, doing a version of the army crawl-pulling with his arms and pushing with his toes. He is starting to get adventurous by venturing farther and farther from where ever he's put down. He is also rocking on his hands and knees (or toes with his large tush in the air) enough to do a few face plants...thankfully none have caused tears...yet. Peewee-pint is still toothless-older than both his brothers to hold that distinction. He knows his name and is getting pretty vocal-we hear lots of "mmmamama" and "dadddaddda"as well as bubbles, razzes, laughing, and squealing. He is curious and loves to be outside. He's finally gotten on the "solid food train" and basically loves anything that comes from moms bowl or dads plate. He often finds dry cereal or crackers on the floor-thanks to the older boys, and quickly stuffs it in his mouth. He's even sitting up better-although he still doesn't last too long on his own. He likes to stand and is getting strong little (chubby) legs. He gives loves and smiles freely to family. He's a joy!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Half-pint's Eyes...

Quarter-pint and Peewee-pint get a lot of attention for their big blue eyes.
Sometimes Half-pint feels a little left out. I always tell him he has beautiful brown eyes, with big pupils just like mine (the freakishly big pupils- not the color- mine are green). I also tell him that large pupils make it easier to see in the dark...he has interpreted that as super powered a cat. Super powers are awesome (even if you can't really see in the dark like a cat, at least it gives him something special about his eyes).
Today Half-pint was wearing a green shirt, and I noticed his eyes. They look even more like mine than I thought before (the color is not a true solid brown).
He truly has beautiful eyes (and AMAZING eye lashes)!