Friday, August 1, 2008


This afternoon, while I was putting Quarter-pint down for a nap, Half-pint was supposed to be in his room for "quiet time". I heard him sneak down the stairs. When I got to the kitchen, I found him with a cereal straw in his mouth, a cup of milk on the table, the pantry and fridge wide open (with chairs in front of both) and spilled milk on the table. There was also a very soaked napkin in a heap next to the milk spill. As far as I can figure out, Half-pint got the cereal straws out of the pantry, then opened the fridge and used a chair to get the milk from the top shelf. Then he proceeded to pour milk in his cup and on the table. He really hasn't had much practice pouring milk. Then I think he got one napkin to clean up the spilled milk, but one was obviously not enough. least I didn't get mad, I simply cleaned up the spilled milk and sent him back to his room for the rest of "quiet time".


cara said...

That HP he is quite a character. He definetly has an independent streak.

Ali said...

Messes don't really matter, do they? What a great story. I was glad to find your blog, Celeste. It's nice to know that we are all going through the same daily tasks with our toddlers.