Monday, June 16, 2008

Quarter-pint Mobility...

Quarter-pint has become a "real" crawler! I put real in quotes because he's been doing "the worm" for a month, but in the past week or so figured out how to coordinate his arms and legs to really crawl. Now that his motion is synchronized he has become a lot quicker and he can cover a lot more distance. I had forgotten just how busy these little ones are when they figure out they are mobile! Not only has he learned to really crawl, but in the past few days he has learned to pull himself up and yesterday and today has begun to master creeping along furniture. I never know where I'm going to find Quarter-pint.
Under the coffee table...

in the dishwasher...

I even found him squawking...stuck-wedged behind a chair in the living room!

Today we were playing in the unfinished basement (where most of the Quarter-pint appropriate toys live). Instead of playing with his "new" toys ("new" because they were Half-pint's, but just pulled them out for Quarter-pint) I found him scratching the insulating foam sealer off of the rough-in plumbing and putting it in his mouth! After a call to Poison Control we determined that he just required watching and then treating any symptoms that might show up. Luckily, I haven't seen any symptoms. I did learn that fiberglass foam is chemically inert if ingested (but it's a problem if it's inhaled!).

Quarter-pint has also figured out that he can keep up with and attack his brother better now that he is more mobile. He doesn't have to rely solely on ambush tactics to get Half-pint.

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